Welcome to our decision support tool for systems thinking. This Tool is designed to help you find a system thinking activity, when you need one.

The Tool was created by The Systems School and is shared under a creative commons license.

How it works

The Tool presents you through a series of prompts designed to help you navigate your way to a systems thinking tool, process, method, or approach that will help your learning about your system.

What it offers you

For each activity in the Tool we have outlined:

A few caveats

We have grand ideas for this Tool, but at the end of the day this is only a tool! It can't do everything :) We wanted to acknowledge a few caveats for it's use

Most of all, Systems Thinking is NOT a linear, prescriptive, pre-defined process.** Applying systems thinking requires you to engage with ambiguity, uncertainty, and emergence. This means you don't always know where you're going, or how you get there. BUT systems thinking will guide you to learn and make sense of the situation you are in and uncover where and how you can act to improve things.