Subject matter matters. If the content of your courses is informational or instructional, that is it can be codified and explained in a step-by-step way for someone to learn (like fixing a bike) then prerecorded will generally work better as the course is available when suits the customer and will provide more effective learning (they don't want conversation about fixing a bike, they just want to know how to do it). This kind of course would typically be priced lower with the expectation of recurring revenue.
If your course is about something that cannot be codified and explained (like riding a bike) then delivering it live will generally work better as the audience will be able to interact, test their understanding, ask questions, and have more person-to-person contact that goes along with imparting knowledge and wisdom. This kind of course would typically be priced higher (the more unique and specialised the knowledge the higher the price) as and to communicate value.